Docademic – Providing Free Basic Healthcare to The World


Docademic is a Platform that focuses on free primary health care since 2016, through integration and enhancement of treatment using AI and Blockchain technologies. Docademic has a vision to the fore, by seeing that quality health services should be easily and freely available to the wider Community. Using AI and Blockchain technologies, Docademic transformed traditional health care systems into a more renewable and decentralized system.


Getting Started Development

The team from Docademic developed this Platform using an integrated and renewable system, through Blockchain and AI technologies, which are expected to improve health services for the Society to be more qualified and more accessible. Docademic has been used by more than thousands of people in 20 Countries, through Telemedicine Video Doctor-AI service, which can be used for free. With the experience and data that Docademic already has, the Platform can provide the community, a health service that will improve public health services for the better than ever. Docademic enables communities to access health services better and more openly and provides the public with information about health benefits and knowledge in general. Docademic provides a feature where patients can communicate directly with doctors via Video Telemedicine, for free and wherever the user is. Docademic makes it easy for doctors to access patient data directly through the network provided by Docademic, such as referrals, tools for daily doctor practice, and epidemiological data reporting for our clients and researchers in real time.


Docademic provides an application called Docademic App and Docademic for Doctors, which is directly integrated, and will provide patients and physicians with a renewable health service and enable the highest level of access and medical advancement. Using AI technology, Docademic can complement and optimize the diagnosis of patients through speech or text expressed by the patient, and this technology will continue to be developed by the Docademic development team. Data generated by the diagnosis of physicians and medicines consumed by patients will be collected and reusable for health research and development. Docademic has a diagnostic technology named the Cross Human-AI Engine Diagnosis (CDHAIE), which has a rapid and thorough patient diagnostic function. CDHAIE allows rapid diagnosis Through technology developed by the Docademic team. CDHAIE also helps doctors in disease diagnosis through the video call feature, CDHAIE will help to diagnose the disease more accurately by collecting the symptoms of the disease expressed by the patient. Docademic also has a feature called Cool Emotions, which is used for the psychological treatment of patients.


Why Blockchain

We designed this platform to run using blockchain technology as the basis for our platform development. Because since it first appeared, blockchain comes with the offer of fast and secure online transactions and supports all types of data and cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology uses a system, where every transaction is recorded and can not be changed forever, so transactions can be maintained and reduce the possibility of data fraud. The blockchain is inherently resistant to the modification of the data involved. Blockchain (also called distributed ledger), technologies that allow for cryptography like Bitcoin and Ethereum, draw us into a new era of global openness, decentralization, and inclusion. Since the discovery of Bitcoin in 2008, the idea of ​​decentralization, public consensus, and creating a new model of trust between the parties to the transaction have been embraced. The principles of consensus, efficiency and mutual trust are related to jurisdictions around the world.


Medical Token Currency

Docademic provides a token that can later be used, as a transactional and payment tool within the Docademic platform. Users can use this token, as payment and transaction tool between users or in the Docademic platform. Token MTC Is a fuel that will move and strengthen the Docademic platform.

In Conclusion

Docademic believes that with a solid and reliable team and system, Docademic can provide its Users, a safe and powerful Healthcare Platform, and provide Users with diverse benefits and access to quality healthcare. Team Docademic also believes that with systematic and professional development, Team Docademic 1 can build a better platform than similar platforms.



With this opportunity, We invite you to enlarge this Platform, to reach the Broader Society. We will release the Token under the name “MTC Token ”, here is the data.







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